The General NPDES Storm Water Permit for Industrial Activities will expire on April 30, 2014. If your facility is currently covered by the permit, a Notice of Intent (NOI) renewal form must be submitted to the Illinois EPA by October 31, 2013.
The Illinois EPA has expanded the NOI form to require more technical information about the facility's storm water discharge and the receiving water for the discharge. Specifics that must be provided include the name of the closest receiving waterbody, the impairment status of the waterbody, and the pollutants for which the receiving waterbody is impaired.
Submittal of Current SWPPP
A current Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) must be electronically submitted with the completed NOI form. The Illinois EPA will not renew the facility's permit if the SWPPP is not submitted. The SWPPP must address all of the elements of the existing General Permit and must accurately represent current conditions at the site.
Storm Water Quarterly Monitoring
The renewed General NPDES Storm Water Permit will require quarterly monitoring of the storm water discharge, just as the current permit requires. Many permitted facilities have yet to develop a monitoring program to meet this requirement.
How Can Admiral Help?
Admiral can complete the NOI renewal form to ensure that your facility is covered under the renewed General Permit. Admiral can also evaluate your facility's situation to make sure all of the storm water permit requirements are met, including:
Review the current SWPPP for completeness and accuracy and submit it to Illinois EPA, or develop a SWPPP if this has not been done yet.
Develop a storm water quarterly monitoring program for the site, if necessary.
Evaluate if the facility is eligible for a storm water No Exposure Certification (NEC). If no industrial activities are exposed to storm water, the facility may be able to file an NEC form and be exempt from storm water permitting.
Please call us and let our experience make a difference for you.