Soil & Groundwater Assessment Services

Admiral has garnered extensive experience assessing soil and groundwater on industrial properties; identifying the extent of contamination; and, if contamination is above specified limits, providing sound advice to work within the client’s overall strategic and operating needs.

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) has special regulations regarding contaminated property and its cleanup and has established very detailed standards for acceptable clean soil and groundwater, and acceptable contamination levels that can remain in-place. In many cases, owners voluntarily enter the State’s cleanup program to maintain some control of the cleanup process after they decide what contamination to focus on.

Because Admiral typically only provides assessment and consulting services – and not site cleanup or remediation services -- our clients know they can rely on and fully trust Admiral to provide unbiased advice, realistic recommendations, and a common-sense direction to successfully address an environmental liability to the industrial enterprise. Whether it’s resolving a violation notice, investigating a property for purchase, pursuing a voluntary cleanup effort, preparing a facility Closure Plan, or achieving a “No Further Remediation” status, Admiral is the team you want on your side to address your environmental liability impacts while striving to minimize the impact to your operation and bottom-line.

Illinois Clean Construction and Demolition Debris
Uncontaminated Soil

Illinois regulates:

  • Clean Construction and Demolition Debris (CCDD)
  • Uncontaminated Soil to be used as fill
Uncontaminated soil from a site that has not been used for commercial or industrial purposes may be certified by either the site owner or operator or by a licensed professional engineer. Using Form LPC-662. Testing for a minimum of pH is necessary.

When soil is removed from a site that has been used for commercial or industrial purposes, certifications must be made by a licensed professional engineer. Using Form LPC-663. This often includes extensive laboratory testing, as the EPA regulations set very tough limits for Uncontaminated Soil. The extent of testing is partly determined by the facility that will accept the soil, as they are taking on long term liability for the material.

Clean Construction and Demolition Debris (CCDD) is defined as uncontaminated broken concrete without protruding metal bars, bricks, rock, stone, reclaimed or other asphalt pavement, or soil generated from construction or demolition activities. If clean soil is mixed in, it is also CCDD.

The fill sites are regulated to accept Uncontaminated Soil and/or CCDD. These are often former quarries, mines, or even landfills that use the material as cover.

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