Onsite Sampling and Laboratory ServicesBeginning in 1971, Admiral Environmental Services has gained significant expertise efficiently providing accurate and reliable sampling and laboratory results. Proper and effective sampling requires experience, knowledge of industrial processes and applicable regulations, and a practical approach to provide meaningful data that only has to be obtained once, when needed or required. Beyond the practice and methodology of sampling, Admiral helps clients interpret and understand the data results to help them meet regulatory compliance and identify opportunities for compliance cost savings and facility/process enhancements.
WASTEWATER SAMPLINGFor companies that are required to sample their wastewater discharge(s), Admiral’s field personnel have accumulated significant experience with wastewater sampling in a wide range of industrial and commercial facilities.
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Because our staff has been with Admiral for so many years, our clients see the same field technician sampling their facility for years. This has significant benefit as our clients receive highly efficient service (our technicians know where to go, the best way to grab each sample, etc.) and knowledgeable personnel that identify potential problems or cost savings. This saves our clients time and money.
We have the necessary equipment to collect wastewater samples. This includes automatic wastewater sampling, wastewater flow metering, grab sampling, and continuous pH monitoring. It should be noted that certain testing must be performed immediately upon collection and our field technicians are fully trained to perform this protocol (EPA required for pH, total residual chlorine, and temperature).
Beyond the task of correctly collecting samples, properly documenting them, and analyzing and reporting the results, Admiral personnel provide an easily understandable letter summarizing procedures and results, and explain if the facility/process is compliant or not. And if not, we also explain what to do with the results.
QUARTERLY STORM WATER SAMPLINGIf your industrial facility is covered by the General NPDES Storm Water Permit, you’re required to develop a storm water monitoring strategy so that you can collect and analyze the necessary storm water samples.
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The method and timing of the storm water sample collection can be difficult (e.g., the sampling must occur after a rain event of a specific magnitude, etc.). Admiral can assist you in developing and implementing a common-sense, cost-efficient strategy. We also can analyze the samples and prepare the necessary paperwork to complete your required quarterly storm water sampling program.
POTABLE WATER SAMPLINGIs Your Drinking Water Safe?
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Does your drinking water taste odd? Does it have a strange odor? Do employees complain about the quality of the drinking water at your facility? If so, Admiral Environmental Services can ease your concerns.
Admiral Environmental offers a broad variety of services, from simple bacteria monitoring to a full blown comprehensive testing for metals and volatile organic compounds.
In many cases, stagnant water conditions are the cause of taste or odor complaints in drinking water. An Admiral engineer can assess your facility’s condition and give you advice on how to alleviate this common problem. For a comprehensive building survey we will focus on bacteria and chlorine, two important factors for ensuring water quality.
MONITORING for LEGIONELLAAdmiral Environmental has experience in proper sampling techniques and protocol for detecting Legionella bacteria.
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We can assist you in developing a plan for periodic monitoring of your facility water systems. Regular monitoring can identify potential problem areas and determine whether corrective action is warranted.
Legionella are often detected in cooling towers, domestic hot water systems, humidifiers, decorative fountains, spas and whirlpools.
LABORATORY SERVICESAdmiral Environmental Services uses experienced, certified laboratories for a wide variety of analytical testing; including; wastewater, industrial wastes, soil, groundwater, potable water, and air samples.
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Because of our long-term partnerships with several high-quality, responsive laboratories, we are always able to provide the most responsive, cost-effective testing procedures available. In this way, our clients are assured of fast-turnaround data that can be relied on for effective decisions and regulatory compliance.
Equally important as the proper sampling procedures, we can select the right analytical testing for your situation. This is an important component to providing proper data to regulatory agencies and personnel. For example, too much testing can significantly increase the cost and too much or unneeded data may expose your facility to unintended enforcement by local agencies.
The new General Industrial Storm Water Permit has been issued by IEPA. Facilities have until October 3, 2017 to comply with new requirements. See our Storm Water Compliance section for details.
On 11/28/16 the U.S. EPA finalized over 60 changes to the hazardous waste regulations. It will take time for Illinois and other authorized states to adopt the rules. See our latest Compliance News for details.
Illinois has eliminated the requirement that a copy of every hazardous waste manfest be submitted to the IEPA. effective July 16, 2015
Illinois has adopted the new rules for Solvent Contaminated Wipes. This includes shop towels, paper towels and rags.